Terms & Conditions

By submitting this form I am agreeing to the Terms and Conditions and Waiver of First Gymnastics:


Parent/Guardian Acknowledgement of Risk: 

I fully understand that First Gymnastics coaches are not doctors or medical practitioners of any kind. With the above in mind, I hereby release staff to render temporary first aid to my child in the event of any injury or illness, and if deemed necessary by the staff to seek medical help and/or call an ambulance. You agree that you are aware that your child will be engaging in physical exercise involving gymnastics which could cause injury to them. The risk of harm may be limited by the safety equipment and trained coaches, but never eliminated. 

You agree that your child is voluntarily participating in these activities and is assuming all risks of injury that might result. You hereby agree to waive and discharge any claims, causes of action or rights that you or your child might incur as a result of these activities including classes, events & camps and First Gymnastics will not have any liability other than in relation to death or personal injury, where First Gymnastics or its staff are proved to be negligent. You will indemnify and hold harmless First Gymnastics against any claims resulting from such participation. Staff will make no evaluation or recommendation whether your child is physically fit for any physical activity.

If your child has any physical condition that may impair his/her ability to engage in the activities, it is your responsibility to obtain a doctor’s statement describing any limitations to participate in this programme. Please ensure that any physical or mental medical issues/ injuries/conditions that may affect participation are fully disclosed when registering on the system and also kept up to date for the duration of your child’s participation in classes or camps.


·        Parents and Guardians agree to provide accurate and up to date information about themselves and their child as requested when registering with First Gymnastics. It is the responsibility of the Parent/Guardian to update this information if required.

·        As specified in the WAIVER above, all physical and mental issues/injuries/conditions that may impact participation in the programme must be disclosed.

Fees and Cancellations

Weekly Classes

First Gymnastics weekly sessions run in accordance with school term time for 39 weeks of the year. Payment is by monthly subscription. Your child’s place is not secure until your subscription is set up.

Your payment plan covers all fees for classes for the year, a First Gymnastics T shirt and any awards earned. These fees are split into 11 affordable payments (every month of the year except August) therefore fees are still due during term holidays. These fees are taken out on the 1st of every month.

If you sign up and attend sessions mid-month, the cost of those sessions will be added to your first subscription payment on 1st of the following month. All monthly subscriptions are collected on the 1st of each month.

If you need to update your payment details, you can do so by logging on to your classforkids account. We will communicate with you after 2 days if payment has not been made. We will attempt to e mail you to check if details need updating. If payment is not made 7 days after we’ve communicated the missed payment(s), your subscription will be cancelled and your child removed from the class.

In the event that a child is unable to attend a class due to sickness or holiday, we regret that we are unable to refund payment as this secures an ongoing place on our programme.

First Gymnastics make every effort not to cancel sessions, however if a session is cancelled by First Gymnastics we will try to give as much notice as possible and the fees for that session will be taken off the next month's payment.

Occasionally due to circumstances beyond the control of First Gymnastics, it may not be possible to deliver a Gymnastics class in accordance with our usual programme. In this situation an “adapted” class will take place which may include: dance / ball games / fitness exercises / PE/playground games. 

SUBSCRIPTION CANCELLATION: If you wish to cancel your monthly subscription, please e mail us 28 days before your next payment is due (hello@firstgymnastics.uk). If you don’t give us at least 28 days notice, you will still be charged for the next month.

Holiday Camps

Bookings for holiday camps are non-refundable unless the camp days are cancelled by First Gymnastics. In certain circumstances it may be possible to transfer days to another week in the same camp or a different camp running at another time. This is at the discretion of First Gymnastics.

Code of Conduct

In order to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all First Gymnastics participants during Classes and Camps we require Gymnasts and Parents to adhere to a Code of Conduct. 

First Gymnastics “Important Rules”

These rules are for Gymnasts and Parents/Guardians. Parents/Guardians should ensure their children come to classes and camps understanding these rules and Gymnasts should follow them whilst participating:

-         LOOK – Watch the demonstrations

-         LISTEN – to your coaches

-         EQUIPMENT – Don’t go on equipment without coach supervision

-         CAUTION – Don’t cross mats

-         INSTRUCTION – Only do the moves that the coach instructs

-         DISTANCE – Keep a distance from other gymnasts

-         HAIR – Tie back long hair

-         JEWELLERY – Remove jewellery before you arrive

-         DISTRACTION – Don’t distract other Gymnasts

-         WORRIED – Tell your coach if anything is wrong

-         CONCENTRATE – and don’t rush

 Gymnasts agree to:

·        Be friendly with everyone, other gymnasts, and staff.

·        Listen to others – especially your coaches.

·        Be helpful and have consistently good manners.

·        Treat everyone with respect.

·        Talk to your coach about anything that worries or concerns you.

 Gymnasts should not:

·        Be disrespectful to anyone.

·        Bully other people - including online.

·        Be abusive towards anyone, both other gymnasts or adults

·        Bring food into any classes 

If a child fails to act within our code of conduct:

·        They may be given the opportunity to correct their behaviour.

·        We may contact and speak to a parent or guardian about their behaviour.

·        They may be asked to leave the class or programme

 Parent and Guardian code of conduct

As a parent, carer or guardian of a child talking part in a First Gymnastics session, we expect you to:

 ·        Make sure your child arrives on time and is collected on time at the correct venue.

·        Make sure your child has the appropriate clothing for the session – shoes that can be removed and put on easily to allow participation in bare feet/leggings/tracksuit/shorts/leotard, is not wearing jewellery and has long hair tied back.

·        Encourage your child to go to the toilet before they come to class or at the start when offered the opportunity at the start of a session.

·        Ensure contact details are up to date and is fully complete prior to attending sessions on the ClassforKids account.

·        Be positive about your child’s progress (child develop at different rates, NEVER compare your child to another).

·        Do not take any photos/Videos of the session as not all children have photo permission.

·        Be respectful of other customers/staff of First Gymnastics including online and in person.

·        Accept that at times there will be physical contact between the coach and their child in a professional, caring manner.

·        Encourage your child to have a good, respectful consistent attitude towards their coach.

·        Ensure your child brings a filled water bottle to classes

·        Ensure your child does not bring food to classes

·        Ensure if attending full days at holiday camps your child brings a “nut free” pack lunch

·        Ensure your child understands their code of conduct and responsibilities.

If any parents behave in a way that doesn’t align with our code of conduct, we will address the issue with that individual to try and resolve the incident/s. If there are consistent breaches or a risk to the welfare/enjoyment of the sessions, the individual may be asked not to attend in future.